


Cogna Commitments For A Better World Seal Image

It is our understanding that it is only possible to generate value for Cogna, for our stakeholders, for society and for the planet if we are proactive in preserving the environment and combating climate change, assuming our responsibilities and engaging the public to act jointly in this field, always seeking eco-efficiency.


  • 87% of the energy consumed by Cogna is acquired from the free energy market, which represents clean energy and low carbon emissions.
  • 100% of the energy acquired by our main source of consumption, the distribution center in São José dos Campos (SP), comes from renewable sources;
  • We implemented a pilot project to install solar panels in the higher education units in Jaú (SP) and Eunápolis (BA). In the first year of operation, more than 71,770 KWh was generated.
  • We replaced light bulbs in our units with models using more efficient technology. These are less powerful and consume less but provide better illumination and last longer. 
  • In our corporate office in Londrina (PR), we replaced the mercury vapor bulbs on 27 external lampposts with LED models, promoting an economy of 8,278.20 KWh in the year.


  • We installed rainwater harvesting systems, using the water for toilet flushes, washing public areas and irrigating the gardens in our teaching institutions in Jundiaí (SP), Taubaté (SP) and Arapongas (PR).
  • We report water withdrawal indicators on automatic dashboards, that provide alerts on deviations in consumption and help mitigate any type of wastage. 

Hazardous Waste

(Type A: Infectious, Type B: Chemical, Type E: Sharps)

  • Ongoing training by means of technical manuals and periodic online courses for all the units that generate hazardous waste, or those that have laboratories and clinic schools. The content addresses the correct, complete management of waste (sorting, packing, storage and disposal using companies specialized in collection, transportation, treatment and disposal). To minimize waste generation, all units are advised to use the minimum amount possible of chemical reagents and sharps materials, as well as segregating regular from infectious materials. 
  • All units have been trained in filling out the Waste Transportation Manifests (MTR) in the online MTR systems in Brazil (SINIR, SIGOR, IMA, FEAM, FEPAM, INEA). The Waste Transportation Manifest must be issued by all the generating units for any disposal of hazardous waste. 
  • 100% of the units that generate hazardous waste in laboratories and clinic schools are covered by the Cogna Hazardous Waste Management Program, which encompasses: having a solid waste management plan, having a contract with a company specialized in collecting, transporting, treating and disposing of hazardous waste, correctly sorting, packing and storing the waste and tracking the process from the issue of the MTR to the receipt of the certificate of disposal (CDF) issued by these specialized companies.

Situation in December 2022.
