Emissions and Climate Change


Imagem sobre controle de emisões dos gases de efeito estufa (GEE) e mudanças climáticas

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Target


* with a base date of 2022

Reducing the company’s total emissions (scope 1, 2 and 3) over a 10-year horizon

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory

To carry out the inventories, the period from January to December of the years 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 was considered, following the guidelines described in the GHG Protocol methodology and audited by a Verification Body (OV), which assigned a reasonable level of confidence – highest standard of assurance – certifying that inventories are materially correct and are a fair representation of the Company’s greenhouse gas data.

The 2023 inventory received the Gold Seal in the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program – the highest level of certification granted to companies that meet all transparency criteria in publishing their GHG inventories – and is available in the Public Emissions Registry.

The emission sources present in scopes 1, scope 2 (location approach) and scope 3 (considering the categories of franchises, employee commuting, business travel, purchased goods and services, waste, transport and upstream distribution) were identified and quantified in tonnes of carbon equivalent.

The survey considered emissions from 3 corporate units, 1 distribution center, 2 high schools, 7 language school units, as well as emissions from 112 higher education units, including classrooms, laboratories, teaching hospitals, veterinary clinics and school farms with agricultural and livestock activities. Agricultural inputs, animal-related emissions and mechanized operations were also included.

Based on the diagnosis presented in this inventory, in alignment with Cogna’s Commitments for a Better World, Cogna reaffirms its corporate management strategy for GHG emissions that direct the Company’s activities towards a low carbon scenario.

Scopes 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Scope 1 4,769.13 2,075.98 3,977.19 2,134.80 4,351.96
Scope 2 (Location) 1,751.13 1,799.69 4,658.77 2,232.46 3,156.61
Scope 3 42,001.68 23,698.49 29,650.60 23,590.20 12,297.61
Total emissions 48,521.96 27,574.16 38,286.56 27,957.46 19,806,18


  • It should be noted that the COVID-19 pandemic impacted Cogna’s activities in 2020 and 2021, which is an important factor to be considered when comparing the results of these years.

About greenhouse gas emissions, check out the article (PT-BR).
