ESG Strategy


Our ESG strategy is sustained by transparent management in this area. We have a Sustainability Management area linked with the Director of Institutional Relations and Sustainability, who reports directly to the CEO. ESG also features in our risk matrix.

Governance of this area is completed by the link to the Board of Directors through the People and ESG committee, which was created in 2021. This meets on a quarterly basis, presenting activities in the area to the highest governance body. This coincides with the agenda for disclosing company information to investors and market. The board is responsible for ensuring the inclusion of the ESG pillars in the company’s commitments and strategy. Moreover, the company’s Sustainability area maintains an agenda of meetings with the Executive Committee, consisting of leaders and C-level officers, to present information about the area and to discuss actions.

Títulos / Emissões Socioambientais

Our Esg Journey

During recent years, Cogna has been taking firm steps on its ESG journey, seeking to enhance practices and evolve management in this area. See the main milestones in this journey which we understand to be ongoing:

• First year of actions to achieve the Commitments for a Better World targets

• Inclusion of company ESG targets as a component of executive variable remuneration

• Unprecedented Great Place to Work (GPTW) certification as one of the best companies to work for in the country

• Cogna is listed on the B3 Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE)

• Cogna is listed on the B3 Carbon Efficient Index (ICO2)

• Ongoing GRI reporting on a quarterly basis

• Launch of website dedicated to ESG 

• Establishment of ESG working groups

• WOB (Women on Board) certification for the Cogna and Vasta Boards of Directors
WOB - Women on Board

• Adhesion to the United Nations WEPs (Women’s Empowerment Principles)
Women’s Empowerment Principles

• Membership of Instituto Ethos
Instituto Ethos

• Membership of Fórum de Empresas e Direitos LGBTI+
Fórum de Empresas e Direitos LGBTI+

• Launch of Cogna Commitments for a Better World

• Definition of social activity pillars

• Review of materiality matrix

• Mobilization to combat Covid-19

• ESG research and perception study (investors)

• 1st  publication of SROI (Social Return on Investment) 

• Launch of corporate volunteer work program

1st Kroton social impact measurement

Construction of materiality matrix 

• Creation of internal policies (Corporate Social Responsibility; Private Social Investment)

• First GRI Standard Sustainability Report, corresponding to 2015 (Click here)

Listing on Novo Mercado (B3)

Signature of adhesion to the Global Compact Network Brazil

United Nations Global Compact

Anhanguera Educacional, a group company, starts publishing GRI standard reports (Click here)

Creation of the Fundação Pitágoras
Image Of The Brand Fundação Pitágoras
